Data-driven display ads help GOP candidate capture crucial votes



Targeted Group Turnout


Voters Targeted (Served for 3 Weeks)


Total Ballots Cast (3,331 Votes won by a 2.4% margin)

Summary & Challenge

Ring Digital partnered with the Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee to increase turnout among low-propensity Republicans and Independent voters modeled to have high affinity toward the GOP candidate in a state senate general election.  


We targeted the audience of 51,253 voter households for a period of 3 weeks with digital display, pre-roll video, and OTT-CTV video ads, urging the voters to get to the polls.

Polling showed the race in a dead heat with nothing able to break the stalemate. That all changed when we got engaged.


After the election, an identical control group turned out at a rate of 55.91%, while the targeted group who were served Ring Digital’s ads turned out at a whopping 68.19%, an increase of 13 points, and a lift of 22%. Ring Digital’s client won the election by a tiny margin of 3,331 votes out of a total 141,643 ballots cast (a 2.4% margin). 

Had the voters targeted by Ring Digital’s ads not been served those ads, they would have voted at the control group rate of 55.91%, decreasing the number of votes cast by 6,662, almost certainly changing
the outcome of the election.

Speak with our team.

Our digital video placement and display ad buying technology allows us to target your audience down to the household. Not ZIP code. Not block. Not range of IP addresses. Household.