Household Targeted
Digital Advertising

What do we mean by "Household-Targeted Digital Advertising?
Target your display, video, OTT-CTV streaming video ads to a list of specific households based on their street address, verified by GPS technology.
What do we mean by "Household-Targeted Digital Advertising?" We mean digital display ads in browsers and apps, pre-roll online video ads, big screen TV ads, all served to a list of households you want to target.
“OK but how do you get those households?”
I’m glad you asked - you can provide them to us if you’d like. All we need is a street address, city, state, and ZIP code, and we’ll serve your ads only to those homes included in your list.
If you don’t have a list of homes you want to target, but you know the types of people you’d like to target, then we can go purchase the list of households for you, and advertise to those households only.
There are over 1,500 fields or criteria you can choose from. Would you like to target dog owners who own their own home, whose square footage is between 2,800, and 3,750, who live in the city of Centennial, Colorado? Cake.
We’ve already geofenced the property lines of all the lots in all fifty states in the Nation, so all you have to do is tell us which ones you’d like to advertise to.
We don’t use cookies, we don’t target by IP address, we use GPS, which is accurate down to about 10 feet (and it doesn’t change every two weeks like your IP address does). We advertise to the phones and other GPS-enabled devices, but we also cross-device map the homes to include the TVs, the laptops, the desktops, the tablets, and everything else that can view ads online. Then we place your ads all on those devices too.
Here’s the bonus of advertising this way: provide us your sales or conversion data, and we’ll be able to identify which of your sales originated from our target list. How? The target list is just a spreadsheet, like your sales file is. So we just match them up, calculate your return-on-ad-spend (ROAS/ROI) and provide you with a tidy report on how effective your digital advertising campaign has been.

Speak with our team.
Our digital video placement and display ad buying technology allows us to target your audience down to the household. Not ZIP code. Not block. Not range of IP addresses. Household.