Digital Advertising

Target your ads to people who visit a specific location live, over time, or in the past.
This is a great option if your audience is defined by a given location, like a convention center or a competitor’s location, during a certain period of time or indefinitely.
This tool uses the GPS function on mobile devices to serve ads to any mobile device that is within the specified geographic area, or that has been there over the past six months, or during a specified time in the future. Using GPS is extremely accurate, allowing targeting at the household level within 3 meters. The data is provided by government satellites and sourced from apps on mobile devices (whether or not they ask permission to use “location services”).
Powered by GPS technology, which is accurate to 3 meters (or about 10 feet), our geo-targeted technology allows you to target your ads based on where your target audience is or where they have been over a period of up to 6 months. Other geo-targeting solutions use IP address to locate their target audience, which is accurate less than half of the time. IP address-based geo-targeting uses the location data provided by the last consented location services permission tied to an internet access point, but just like trying to target households by IP address struggles with how often IP addresses are changed by Internet Service Providers (ISPs), the same is true for the location data that is sourced from IP address. Our GPS-powered geo-targeting solution requires a targeted device’s location to be verified by four government satellites, ensuring accuracy down to at most 3 meters.
Once we identify your target devices by their geo-location, we can also follow those devices back to where they regularly reside, capturing the other devices in that household. The implication of this is that we can identify a target audience by a given location, and then serve them OTT-CTV ads on their streaming devices at their homes. This is great for when your audience can only be identified by where they are in space (a specific gym, retail location, or airport for example), but when you want to serve them longer-form :30 or :60 video content to deliver a more complex message. The same is true for serving desktop or laptop-based streaming video or pre-roll video content in browsers and apps.

Speak with our team.
Our digital video placement and display ad buying technology allows us to target your audience down to the household. Not ZIP code. Not block. Not range of IP addresses. Household.