A student property management company increases commitments across 18 properties

Summary & Challenge

A leading company in the student properties management industry partnered with Ring with the objective of getting students to sign leases for Fall 2021 at their 18 properties located in college towns across the country. 


We knew the ideal target renters would be on campus, in other student housing, or they would frequent student hotspots around a university, so we geo-fenced those locations to get in front of prospective leases with incentivized messaging.


Over a 4-month period, we continuously served ads to devices that entered every property’s specified target geo-fences, resulting in 7 properties that were 100% pre-leased and 7 properties with 95% or more of their units pre-leased, all before August 2021.

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Our digital video placement and display ad buying technology allows us to target your audience down to the household. Not ZIP code. Not block. Not range of IP addresses. Household.