A public university uses digital display to increase student commitment



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Freshman Commits

Summary & Challenge

It’s no secret that along with traditional enrollment challenges facing colleges and universities, COVID-19 and other recent trends have impacted higher education. A top public university in the Midwest knew they needed to adjust their strategy if they wanted to drive commitments from students for Fall 2021.


They partnered with Ring to maximize their reach to high school seniors – those who lived locally and would be freshman commuters, as well as out-of-area students who’d be interested in on-campus housing – and get them to commit for the Fall of 2021. We launched their digital display campaign, serving a unique ad set to each target group


After just 2 weeks, the university saw a bump in both housing payments and orientation registrations from freshman. Midway through the campaign, they reported “a record number of students telling us they plan to commute”. The happy ending was a 6,388% ROAS. The University saw as a result 39 students who received our digital ads and committed

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